does amazon smile still exist ?

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Amazon Smile: A Temporary Goodbye, Not a Permanent Farewell

Effective October 26, 2023, Amazon Smile has bid adieu. Its official closure on February 20, 2023, left dedicated users, who found it a convenient platform to support their preferred charities, in search of alternative avenues for charitable contributions.

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A Brief Look at Amazon Smile

Introduced in 2013, Amazon Smile enabled users to contribute 0.5% of their eligible Amazon purchases to a charity of their choosing. Despite the seemingly modest percentage, it collectively raised an impressive $377 million for registered charities globally.

Reasons Behind the Closure

Amazon pointed to two primary reasons for the shutdown:

  1. Limited impact: The vast array of over 1 million eligible charities led to a dispersion of donations, averaging a mere $230 per organization annually.
  2. Shifting focus: Amazon opted to redirect its philanthropic endeavors towards more targeted initiatives with potentially greater societal impact, such as affordable housing and computer science education programs.
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What Comes Next?

While Amazon Smile may no longer be in operation, the ethos of generosity endures. Here are alternative ways to continue supporting causes dear to your heart:

  1. Direct donations: Visit the official website of your chosen charity and contribute directly, ensuring that 100% of your donation directly aids their cause.
  2. Recurring donations: Establish a recurring donation to consistently support your favorite organization.
  3. Charity websites and wishlists: Many charities maintain their own online stores or wishlists where you can purchase specific items they require.
  4. Other platforms: Explore similar avenues such as eBay for Charity or Giving Assistant, which provide charitable giving options through various online retailers.
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Important Reminders:

  • While Amazon Smile has concluded, numerous avenues exist to sustain the spirit of giving.
  • Conduct thorough research on charities to guarantee that your contributions have a meaningful impact.
  • Explore diverse giving options to discover what aligns best with your values and the causes you champion.

The conclusion of Amazon Smile may have caught many off guard, but it serves as an opportunity to explore fresh avenues for generosity and experience the gratification of making a direct impact. Let’s nurture the spirit of giving, one act of kindness at a time!

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