does amazon smile still donate?

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Exploring Giving Beyond Amazon Smile’s Chapter Closure


The familiarity of contributing through Amazon Smile, a program that allowed shoppers to donate a percentage of their purchases to chosen charities, is no more as of February 20, 2023. While the absence of Amazon Smile may raise concerns about supporting cherished causes, fret not! This article delves into alternative avenues to continue making a positive impact:


Understanding the Closure:

Delve into the reasons behind Amazon Smile’s closure, touching on the challenges posed by the multitude of charities and Amazon’s pivot towards more targeted initiatives.

Moving Forward with Purpose:

  1. Direct Donations: Illuminate the simplicity and effectiveness of directly contributing to chosen charities’ websites, ensuring that 100% of the donation goes directly to their cause.
  2. Recurring Donations: Emphasize the lasting impact of setting up recurring donations, providing consistent support to organizations over time.
  3. Charity Websites and Wishlists: Highlight the option for tailored contributions through charity websites or wishlists, enabling donors to fulfill specific needs.
  4. Other Platforms: Explore alternative platforms like eBay for Charity or Giving Assistant, presenting charitable giving options through different online retailers.

Embrace New Avenues:

  1. Encourage readers to conduct thorough research on charities, ensuring their donations have a meaningful and direct impact.
  2. Emphasize the diversity of giving options available and encourage readers to find what resonates with their values and the causes they believe in.


Conclude with a positive message, affirming that while Amazon Smile may be gone, the spirit of giving persists. Remind readers that every act of kindness, regardless of the platform, holds significance. This article aims to provide accurate information about the closure, offer constructive alternatives, and empower readers to continue their charitable endeavors despite the change. Remember, spreading accurate information and encouraging sustained support for worthy causes is always the best approach.

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