does amazon smile still donate?

does amazon smile still donate

Exploring Giving Beyond Amazon Smile’s Chapter Closure Content: The familiarity of contributing through Amazon Smile, a program that allowed shoppers to donate a percentage of their purchases to chosen charities, is no more as of February 20, 2023. While the absence of Amazon Smile may raise concerns about supporting cherished causes, fret not! This article … Read more

Revealing the Artemis Refund Group: The Sneaky Danger in Online Returns

Revealing the Artemis Refund Group: The Sneaky Danger in Online Returns

The recent dismantling of the “Artemis Refund Group” (ARG) sheds light on the darker side of easy returns, particularly how scam rings exploit major retailers like Amazon and Walmart. Operating discreetly for years, they peddled their illegal services on online forums, guaranteeing refunds for a fee ranging from 15-20% of the item’s price.

interest rates federal reserve 2023: How the Federal Reserve’s Interest Rate Decisions Impact Your Wallet”interest rates federal reserve :

The Art of Economic Fine-Tuning How the Federal Reserve’s Interest Rate Magic Shapes Our Finances” The Federal Reserve, often referred to simply as the Fed, holds the reins to the U.S. economy’s monetary policy, exerting a profound influence over the nation’s financial stability. One of its most potent tools in this endeavor is the subtle … Read more